
let me be

the future

A Kayapó child , that lives on South Pará State and Mato Grosso State of Brazil.

They were about 7.096 (in 2003). Sadly, the Enawene Nawe People are not so lucky, their population is about only 450 today, and they are needing an urgent attention.

>> Picture of the Indigenous National Festival, 2006, at Bertioga city. (slide-show link)

how long lost jungle golden

These other images were made at Pará state in December 2006,
while I was visiting the Health and Happiness Project at Amazonia. (slide-show link)

As usual, there are a lot of human-rights and environmental troubles happening in all the Amazon area. These are becoming worst because of the development shock between different interests sides. In one hand the soy and sugar cane's producers who want the land for the plantations, beside the cattle producers. They believe they are the land's owners and they don't accept the indigenous land's rights (some of them believe to be the owners of the indigenous people too, as you can see at this video that I blogged here).

On the other hand are environmental, health, labor organizations who fights for the forest conservation and basic rights, beside the indigenous people (with their secular relation with these lands, real owners, and for who the future and survive will depend only of their recognition and protection).

What seems hard, and selfish, to those producers understand is that the survive of all of us (indigenous or not) will depend of the protection of these lands, water and forests. It's the old game of a development without sustainability, and they are just repeating the models that our modern life and irresponsible extravagant consume creates.
It's the game of money X life.

Copyright © Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.